Monday, November 3, 2014

I sincerely want the Democratic Party to rise victorious in this year’s Gubernational Election tomorrow. Wendy Davis and the Democratic Party, in my opinion, are pushing agendas that are for the good of the people. Issues such as education, minimum wage increase, energy, border security, and the DREAM Act. The Republicans, however, are more worried about the upper-class and large corporations rather than pushing to aid the working middle-class.

Republicans cut 5.4 billion in the education system in 2011, and Wendy Davis is the only person to filibuster the massive cuts. Although unsuccessful, she leads the fight to restore that funding to our education. A better education here in Texas will not only put Texas on a higher standard, but it will also produce quality graduates to work in Texas to support and strengthen the economy. Republicans cut the school fund in order to keep its promise of no new taxes to support the revenue shortfall. This means no financial aid to incoming students, no pre-kindergarten, and Health services slashed.

This is what Republicans did in 2011 when they passed the bill, and the only person that has the audacity to fix what they destroyed, is Wendy Davis. Texas is a majority-minority state so tomorrow’s election should be a no brainer. For those that want change to happen in Texas, the right change, voters will need to cast a vote tomorrow. I see the importance of higher education, and the importance of quality schools for our young generation. I will cast my vote tomorrow, and I hope all of Texas will make the right decision. 

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