Saturday, November 22, 2014

   In Ms. Tran's blog "Say "NO" to Marijuana," she discusses and coherently argues her views on the legalization of Marijuana. Her fears are clearly justified, but I believe old family values and biased opinions is what is fueling this hate of the legalization of marijuana. There are many instances and scientific analysis on how cannabis can benefit society as a whole.

   To say a substance such as marijuana is unhealthy is a ridiculous claim and it tells how uninformed and the lack of knowledge one has on the issue. Everyone knows that marijuana is a much safer substance compared to other legal drug substances, such as alcohol. Considering marijuana to be in the same class of drugs with cocaine and heroine happened when the federal government used fear tactics and racism to deceive lawmakers that marijuana and hemp is dangerous to society. Anslinger, the head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, claimed that cannabis has no medical qualities and causes users to become extremely violent and overly sexual in 1930's. It is 2014 and a plethora of scientific research is out with numerous medical benefits. 

   Texas Government is scared of change and the people who run it are scared of change. The changes that need to happen will not go through unless we have new representation. To classify marijuana as a dangerous drug that needs to be illegal is just being ignorant and stubborn. Let's not forget the numbers, 0 deaths from the substance THC, and 88,000 deaths in the United States alone from alcohol. All of these figures are out there and to say that the legalization of marijuana is absurd, is in fact, absurd. 

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