Friday, December 12, 2014

      In reply to Immigration Overload, I can see why the author would want to have more money dumped into Texas' border security, but wholeheartedly disagree with it. The idea of border security in this great country of ours, that was created on the very idea of immigration, is tainted. Yes, I believe that some of those people that are crossing the border are up to no good, but the majority is doing everything they can to preserve their family and to give their family a better life. Isn't that the idea of America? Pursuit of Happiness? To shell millions of dollars to contradict that very idea is absurd.

     The people who are against immigration have forgotten their roots, and they would probably would be living a lesser life than they are now if it weren't for the generations before us immigrating to this great land of ours. The DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) is a proposal that would grant immigrants who are in good moral standing and upon completing either college of military service, they would receive permanent residency. This is the route we should be taking towards the battle over immigration. Critics say that this Act would act like a magnet for more illegal aliens to come over our border just to use this country, but that is just closed minded.
     I believe that people like this author do not look at the whole picture across the board. More than half of the people that work on our roads, buildings and pretty much every labor intensive job in Texas, and to just kick them out would bring our whole infrastructure to the ground. Instead of lobbying to rid of these human beings, we should give support and residency, and eventually, citizenship. I believe that we should make this country safe, but we should also be fair.

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