Thursday, December 4, 2014

      Last year in 2013, 71,761 arrests were made for marijuana offenders. It cost the state an estimated 746 million dollars just to prosecute and incarcerate users of a non-toxic plant that is completely legal in a few states already. This staggering figure should make citizens of Texas upset. Early in 2014, UT/Texas Tribune sent out a poll in which only 23% of registered Texas voters disapproved the legalization of marijuana. The people have spoken on this matter, and the 84th Legislature that will convene soon ought to take serious consideration to the proposed bill, H.B. 414. If signed, this bill will provide Texas a step in the right direction. 

     A recent study provided information on how much a state could profit over the legalization of marijuana, which the figure was estimated at 166 million dollars. Being a big business state with economic growth that is unparalleled, why is it that the people running our government is so against the legalization? They are scared of change, which Texas government is ruthless in. Prohibiting the sale and legalization of marijuana is completely absurd. Another year is another waste of almost a billion dollars in revenue. Time to make a change Texas. 

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